sabato 9 giugno 2018


This contract is signed:
by Mr. Luigi Di Maio
Political Leader of the "5 Star Movement"
and by Mr. Matteo Salvini
Federal Secretary of the League
in accordance with article 21, paragraph 2 of the decree December 28, 2000,
n. 445, I certify that the signatures affixed to are true and authentic
my presence by Mr. Luigi Di Maio, born in Avellino on 6 July 1986,
domiciled in _________________________________
______________________________, identified by me
with the following document: _________________________,
n____________________, issued by _____________
and by Mr. Matteo Salvini, born in Milan on March 9, 1973, domiciled in
______________________, identified by me with the
following document: _________________________,
n____________________, issued by _____________
The underwriters have been warned in advance on the
criminal liability in which they may incur in case of
mendace declaration.
Rome, addì ________________2018
Readable signature (full name and surname) and public qualification
officer who proceeds to authentication
Pursuant to Article 65 of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, no. 196, the data contained in this
form will be used only for the purposes provided for by the decree March 30, 1957, n. 361,
and subsequent amendments, from the Legislative Decree of 20 December 1993, n. 533, as well as by law 27
December 2001, n. 459, according to the methods closely related to this.
The functioning of the Government and the Parliamentary Groups
Public water 8
Agriculture and fishing - made in Italy
Environment, green economy and zero waste
Bank for investments and savings
Investment bank 13
Protection of savings 14
Conflict of interests
Culture 16
Public debt and deficit
Defense 17
Foreign 18
Taxation: flat tax and simplification
Sterilization of VAT and excise taxes
Determination and simplification for families,
companies and VAT numbers 19
Quick and efficient justice
Judiciary and Court Area 22
Criminal area, criminal procedure and defense always legitimate 22
Certainty of the sentence 23
Civil area, civil procedure and costs of justice
Family law 24
Environmental crimes and animal protection
Contrast to the mafias
Prison order 25
Tax justice 26
Immigration: repatriation and stop to the business
Working 29
Fight against corruption 30
Ministry for disabilities 31
Pensions. Stop law will provide 33
Policies for the family and birth
Citizenship and citizenship pension income
Citizens' income 34
Citizenship pension 35
Institutional reforms, autonomy and direct democracy
Health 38
School 41
Security, legality and law enforcement
Law enforcement agencies 43
Firemen 43
Local Police and coordination with the forces
of the state order 43
Cyber ??security and contrast to bullying
Gambling 44
Abusive employment 44
Road safety 45
Nomad camps 45
Sports 46
Appliances 46
Sports clubs and associations 47
South 48
26. Cut of the costs of politics, of the costs of the institutions
and gold pensions 48
Transport, infrastructure and telecommunications
Tourism 50
European Union 53
University and research 55
We want to strengthen confidence in our democracy and in the institutions of the state. We intend to increase decision-making in
Parliament and its cooperation with the Government.
This government contract is valid for the duration of the 18th Republican legislature. To ensure that the commitments undertaken can be effectively and fully implemented, the parties have decided
to reciprocally exchange further methodological commitments. They concern the completion of the government program, cooperation between political forces, coordination within the government, too
at the European level, and verification of the results achieved.
The parties undertake to implement this agreement in government actions, in compliance with the Republican Constitution, of the principles of good
faith and loyal cooperation and consider themselves responsible, in equal
measure, to achieve the agreed objectives. They commit themselves
ensure the convergence of positions taken by parliamentary groups.
Cooperation between the two political forces
The contractors undertake to translate this contract into a practice of
government and are jointly responsible for all of the Executive's policy.
The contractors will work together on parliamentary and governmental matters and work to obtain consensus on issues related to procedures, subjects and people.
Regarding the other objectives, not included in this agreement,
the parties undertake, first and foremost, to provide timely full information about the purposes to be achieved and i
related instruments; secondly, to discuss it appropriately,
in order to verify the possibility of realizing further agreements; in third
place, not to put the other party in minority in matters that for
it is of fundamental importance.
Therefore, if differences in the interpretation and application of the present emerge in the course of the governance action
agreement, the parties undertake to discuss it as quickly as possible and in compliance with the principles of good faith and sincere cooperation.
In the event that the differences persist, the Committee of
In relation to controversial issues, to arrive at a common position
ne, the Conciliation Committee will be activated in time to reach an agreement and to suggest the consequent choices.
Therefore, the contractors will be confronted in the Conciliation Committee:
- to reach a dialogue in case of conflicts in order to resolve the problems and the relevant divergences;
- to reach a common position with reference to issues
unrelated to this contract or to matters of an urgent and / or unpredictable nature at the time of signing this
- when this is requested by one of the contractors to examine issues deemed essential.
The composition and functioning of the Conciliation Committee are
delegated to an agreement between the parties.
The Committee, after a careful analysis and evaluation of the relationship between costs
and benefits, will adopt the appropriate decisions with reference to the construction and completion of public works of national importance
not expressly mentioned in this contract.
Cooperation between parliamentary groups
Legislative initiatives aimed at implementing this program or other subjects agreed by the contractors with the procedures laid down
from the present contract are presented by the Government or with the first
signature of the presidents of the parliamentary groups of the two political forces.
Each parliamentarian has the opportunity to present legislative initiatives
and their request for scheduling must be the subject of an agreement
between the presidents of the parliamentary groups of the two political forces.
Political coordination with Europe
In order to better represent Italian interests in the field
European Union, the Government will ensure a compact structure with respect to European institutions and partners. The contractors will then agree in advance and in a timely manner, respecting the various skills
within the government, including with the respective parliamentary groups.
Close coordination between the positions taken in the various compositions of the Council of the Union is essential for the success
the government agreement and, therefore, for the better protection of interests
of Italy in Europe. To this end, the parties exchange relevant information and agree on the main lines of action, respecting each other
ministerial competences. Coordination is indispensable
that in the relationships that are established with the Commission and with the others
institutions of the European Union.
Code of Ethics of Government Members
Persons who:
- have reported criminal, even non-definitive, convictions for crimes
arson referred to in Article 7 of Legislative Decree December 31, 2012, n.
235 (Severino law), as well as for money laundering, self-money laundering and false offenses;
- are on trial for serious crimes (for example: mafia, corruption,
concussion, etc.);
- belong to Freemasonry or find themselves in conflict of interest with
the subject matter of delegation.
In case they are aware of investigations or criminal proceedings a
charged to them, members of the Government will have to provide timely information.
The parties agree on the need to carry out an overall check on government action in the middle of the 18th legislature, with a view to
to ascertain to what extent the shared objectives have been achieved and,
if possible, to share others. The results of the overall audit are made public on the Government's website.
Territorial administrations and upcoming electoral competitions
The contractors compete correctly in the various electoral competitions, both in the European ones - in respect of their belonging to the
different groups - both in administrative and regional elections.
It is understood that the present contract does not imply respect to the action
policy of contractors in existing territorial administrations.
It is necessary to invest in the integrated water service of a public nature
applying the popular will expressed in the 2011 referendum, with
particular reference to the restructuring of the water network, ensuring the quality of water, the needs and health of every citizen, too
through the establishment of local service companies for public water management.
The greatest useful work is to give back to the citizens a network of water infrastructures worthy of the name. It is therefore necessary to renew the
water network where needed, reclaim the pipes from the presence of asbestos
and lead, bring losses to a minimum so as to ensure clean and quality water in all Italian municipalities.
The Italian agricultural sector, one of the most promising of the economy, is from
time to survive in the global competition of the markets.
Farmers move in a system governed by sector policies now almost exclusively within the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
Historically, the Italian government has been submissive and renouncing in
Europe compared to the needs of the agricultural sector, often preferring
leave the field to European interests opposed to the needs
A new presence of the Italian government in Brussels is needed for
reforming the common agricultural policy (CAP). In this context it is essential to integrate support measures for agriculture, in particular
those of rural development, with interventions specifically aimed at achieving objectives of general interest, such as the protection of the landscape, the
defense of hydrogeological assets, food security.
Our commitment to the future is to defend Italy's food sovereignty and protect the excellence of Made in Italy.
To this end it is crucial to influence the regulatory context of the Union
European and influence the choices within the next CAP reform, as well as identify tools to ensure certain times in the allocation and provision, by the Regions, of the CAP funds.
The agricultural sector will also need a new European approach
free trade agreements with third countries. It will therefore be a priority to ensure that these treaties are necessarily qualified
as mixed by the European Union and therefore, ratified by the Member States
and examined by national parliaments according to their respective procedures
We consider it a priority, to protect Made in Italy, to adopt a system of
correct and transparent labeling to ensure better consumer protection.
Another pillar of government action on agriculture must be
the reform of the National Agency for Disbursements in Agriculture (AGEA)
and of the unified information system of services in the agricultural sector
With reference to fishing, action must be taken to give concrete results
help and support for small-scale fishing; reconsider in the European headquarters i
constraints and directives given to the sector (such as those that impose the
"Fishing stops" not based on objective criteria, but on a bureaucratic assessment) to better safeguard Italian fisheries.
Particular attention will be paid to agriculture in territories,
like mountain and sloping ones, in which it represents an indispensable activity for the local economy, for the management and protection of the
territory, landscape and for the protection and enhancement of unique, high quality and traditional products that characterize the country.
Man and environment are faces of the same coin. Who does not respect
the environment does not respect itself. We need a greater involvement and knowledge of environmental issues that can also build
alliances and bringing the ecological question to the center of politics. In
Italy means to concentrate resources in the necessary maintenance of the territory and in innovation.
Starting from this conviction, our task is to support the "green-economy", research, innovation and training for the
development of ecological work and for the revival of competitiveness of the
our industrial system, with the aim of "decarbonising" and "de-fertilizing" production and finance and promoting the circular economy.
The limits indicated by the sustainability principle must be reaffirmed and renewed, including at EU level:
• for a renewable resource (soils, water, forests), the sustainable percentage of use can not be greater than that of regeneration;
• for a non-renewable resource the sustainable percentage of employment
it can not be greater than that with which it is possible to replace it
with a renewable resource (for example: investing part of the profits for
the adoption of production technologies with renewable resources).
In national economic development strategies, it must be considered as a priority
delay the adoption of effective regulatory instruments to promote one
ever more widespread use of sustainable development models, the Green Economy and the circular economy. To this end, Public Administrations should be involved at all levels in the promotion
of this change and become a reference for the adoption of
best practices, best techniques and standards. It is necessary to harmonize the relations between the State and the Public Administrations, reinforcing the
autonomies and the most efficient territorial offices and the most advanced models
and respectful of the environment, enhancing its professionalism and resources
It is necessary that every intervention of the political decision-maker is placed in one
circular economy strategy, understood as an environmental system and
economic in which a good is used, becomes waste, and then, downstream of
a recovery process, ceases to be such to be reused as a second material for the production of a new good, in
opposition to the model of "linear economy" in which the goods have become
waste is simply sent for disposal after use.
A correct and virtuous application of the circular economy, in line
with the European hierarchy in waste management, it involves a strong one
reduction of product waste, an increasing percentage of product
recycled and at the same time a drastic reduction in the share of waste disposed of in landfills and incineration, up to the gradual
overcoming these plants, adopting technologically methods
advanced and alternative. In this regard, the circular economy system
of reference is the one adopted today by the public service of the province of Treviso, studied all over the world. The reduction in the production of waste and differentiated collections of quality that lead to reality
material recovery is also achieved through the design of
rewarding goods and taxation for those who produce recyclable and reusable goods, the
resort to home collection with punctual pricing for citizens
and businesses, actions against food waste, the construction of centers
repair and reuse of used goods. We need to increase the funds a
provision of the Regions to incentivize and simplify the start up of business initiatives related to the recovery and recycling of the matter.
The intention is to favor the management of short chain waste, the recovery of
matter with compost to reduce chemical fertilizers and irrigation
(the compost is rich in water). Experiments will also be evaluated
on the life cycle of biomethane plants, evaluating costs, pollution
and waste products.
A capillary mapping of all the possible structures is necessary
asbestos risk starting from schools, in order to intervene for the removal and disposal of suitable materials at suitable sites
It is also necessary to streamline the remediation procedures by accurately defining responsibilities and methodologies, safeguarding controls
to identify those responsible for contamination and the protection of environmental matrices, ensuring data transparency and participation
of citizens.
It is therefore crucial to start at national, regional and local level
a series of widespread interventions in a preventive key of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the ground, also as a virtuous expenditure wheel
and job creation, starting from the earthquake zones, as well as
actions to make the citizen responsible for risks related to protection
of the territory.
As far as the earthquake areas are concerned, we are committed to closing the
phase of the emergency and move on to the reconstruction phase with the aim of creating the conditions for an economic recovery of the areas
affected. Among the needs overwhelmingly emerged in recent months
priority is the simplification of procedures, both for public works and for private reconstruction. Then we need the certainty in the general discipline contained in the decrees and in the ordinances. For this yes
involve the stakeholders in the changes to be made that
must be definitive. Greater involvement of the municipalities will be ensured, by granting greater powers to the mayors.
It is also essential to stop the consumption of soil (waste of soil) the
which must be completely eliminated through an adequate policy of
support that promotes urban regeneration. About this
actions to support initiatives to re-launch existing buildings, promoting urban regeneration and retrofit, must be promoted
(energy redevelopment) of buildings. Buildings capable of self-producing energy represent the challenge of the future. In this sense
public housing should also be oriented.
In order to counteract the hydrogeological risk, preventive actions are necessary that involve widespread interventions of ordinary maintenance
and extraordinary soil on high-risk areas, as well as a necessary one
implementation of hydrogeological risk mitigation measures.
In terms of combating climate change, action is needed to accelerate the transition to renewable energy production and to drive energy savings and efficiency in all sectors.
It is therefore essential to strengthen the actions currently considered
at the national level for the fight against climate change and for the
transition to sustainable models of economy and management of renewable resources. It is necessary to initiate targeted actions to increase
energy efficiency in all sectors and return to increase the
production from renewable sources, providing for a national planning that reinforces measures for energy saving and efficiency
that reduce current consumption.
In this regard, priority actions against climate change and pollution will be launched with specific plans for the most affected areas
of our country. Let's think, for example, of the basin of the Po Valley where the basin plan and all the others should be improved and implemented
metropolitan areas.
Particular attention also in UE will be given to trigger and
fostering sustainable economic development processes based above all
on innovation, start up and youth enterprise, even in mountain areas, which although representing a significant geographical share of the
Country and being rich in natural and cultural resources, are burdened by
delay of development, depopulation and aging of the population
with consequent environmental degradation and phenomena of instability.
With reference to the ILVA, we commit ourselves, after more than thirty years, to realize the criteria of environmental protection, according to the best world standards to protect the health of the citizens of the Taranto area, protecting occupational levels and promoting development
industrial sector of the South, through a program of economic reconversion based on the progressive closure of polluting sources, for
which it is necessary to provide for the reclamation, on the development of the Green
Economy and renewable energy and the circular economy.
Also in order to prevent sanctions by the Union
European we expect measures to adapt the standards of
contrast to air pollution according to the regulations in force.
Investment bank
It is necessary to provide a "Bank" for investments, development
of the Italian economy and businesses using existing structures and resources.
The "Bank", regulated by a specific law, must have an explicit and direct guarantee of the State, with consequent ease of finding
resources to implement all the initiatives it intends to take.
It will also have to act under the supervision of a control body
public in which the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development are present.
In addition to the control room on the management of industrial policy instruments and credit and innovation, in order to avoid overlaps
or, worse, conflicts between national and local instruments, for a more efficient one
allocation of financial resources, the bank will carry out the activities of:
- Second level activities for small and medium-sized enterprises acting in
co-financing with the banking system, especially with the banks of
medium and small size rooted in the territory, to support SMEs;
- Financing of initiatives of public and strategic national interest;
- Export and Project Finance in competition with other market players;
- Aid credit to Italian companies operating in developing countries
development as a deferred asset investment to acquire positions
advantage on emerging markets;
- Management of the Guarantee Fund for SMEs, as a strategic asset of
support to the national credit system and guarantees to favor
the asset savings necessary to meet the requirements more and more
stringent due to the international regulations on credit that will soon be introduced;
- Innovation with the aim of pursuing the policies of the Ministry for the Economy and Finance.
Protection of savings
The "bail in" banking system has caused the destabilization of the
credit in Italy with negative consequences for the families, who are
views expropriate their savings that they supposed to be invested in
safe activities.
We need to radically revise these provisions for greater protection
of Italian savings according to what the Constitution states.
In particular, it is necessary to take more responsibility both
management that the supervisory authorities are primarily responsible for
of any disruption, including through the exacerbation of existing penalties for fraudulent failures.
To meet the compensation of "expropriated" savers is expected
also the actual use of resources, as per current law, coming from
from insurance and dormant policies.
The audience of savers who are entitled to compensation, too
partial, must also be extended to small shareholders of the banks
object of resolution.
The parameters of the Basel rating protocols should be re-discussed
to date they create serious prejudice to the survival and development of the
fabric of the Italian micro-enterprise.
Furthermore, with reference to the Monte dei Paschi bank, the State shareholder
it must provide for the redefinition of the mission and the objectives of the credit institution from the point of view of service.
Always to protect savings and credit, we must go towards one
system in which the public bank and the investment bank
be separated both as regards their type of activity and
regarding the levels of surveillance.
With regard to the forced recovery of loans by banks and companies
financial institutions, we intend to remove any provision that allows for
be able to take action against debtor citizens without the prior authorization of the judicial authority.
It is necessary to invest in developing technological innovation in the provision of financial services and products (blockchain and FinTech), also for the purpose
to ensure greater transparency in financial transactions.
We have seen how the conflict of interest is already born in the
parliamentary rooms, where the same legislators are sometimes the subjects
which are in serious situations of incompatibility.
The same council for elections, an anachronistic body as it is essentially made up of politicians, helps to keep any relevant legislation in place. To resolve the conflict of interest,
which often undermines the action of politics, we mean first of all
change the scope of the discipline by extending the hypothesis
conflict over the mere economic interest.
In fact, we believe that it should qualify as a possible conflict of
interests the interference between a public interest and another interest,
public or private, which could influence the objective, independent or impartial exercise of a public function, not only when it can bring an economic advantage to those who exercise the function
public and is in the position of a possible conflict of interests, but
even in the absence of an immediately qualifiable advantage like
Monetary. We also intend to extend the application of the
na non-governmental positions, that is to all those subjects who, though not
covering government roles, they have power and ability to influence
political decisions or concerning the management of public affairs,
such as mayors of large cities or company managers
participated by the State.
The Italian cultural heritage represents one of the aspects that most there
identify in the world. Our country is full of artistic riches
and architectures scattered homogeneously throughout the territory, and in
every field of art represents a worldwide excellence,
be it dance, cinema, music, theater. However, despite
these resources, Italy today does not fully exploit its possibilities, leaving
in some cases, their goods and their cultural heritage in the condition of not being valued properly.
Cultural heritage is a fundamental tool for the development of the
tourism throughout the Italian territory as well as the formation of the citizen in continuity with our identity. However, the State can not be limited to the preservation of the good, but must enhance it and make it
usable through effective systems and models, thanks to careful management and better cooperation between public bodies and private individuals. We need to put measures in place to protect the good in the long run
period, using the resources available in a virtuous way.
It is necessary to start from a clear principle: culture is an engine of
growth of inestimable value and certainly not a useless cost. Cut the expenditure to be allocated to ours in a linear and non-rational manner
heritage, both artistic and cultural, means reducing to an extent
considerable possibilities to increase the economic wealth of our territories.
Our museums, historical, archaeological and UNESCO sites must return
to be poles of attraction and international interest, through a
overall increase in usability and adequate improvement of the
services offered to visitors.
Among the various forms of art, the live show is certainly
one of the best excellences in our country. Yet the current financing system, determined by the subdivision according to criteria
not entirely objective of the resources present in the Single Fund for the
Show (FUS), limits the possibilities of our best realities and
pedestrian development of new projects really worthy.
We therefore believe it is necessary to provide for a reform of the system
financing that puts the quality of artistic projects back at the center.
Government action will be aimed at a program to reduce public debt, not by means of tax-based and austerity measures - policies that have proved wrong to achieve this goal
- but through the growth of GDP, to be achieved with a revival
both domestic demand on the side of high-multiplier investments and policies to support the purchasing power of households, and
of foreign demand, creating favorable conditions for exports.
In order to consolidate the growth and development of the country, we consider it a priority to induce the European Commission to separate the productive public investments from the current budget deficit, as announced
repeatedly by the same Commission, but never effectively and completely applied.
With regard to deficit policies it is expected, through the
re-discussion of the EU Treaties and the main regulatory framework a
European level, multi-annual programming to ensure
the financing of the proposals subject of this contract through the recovery of resources deriving from the cut to waste, the management
debt and appropriate and limited use of the deficit.
We also intend to reach, as evidenced by the Court of Auditors,
maximum transparency on derivatives transactions carried out by
state bodies and local authorities limiting them to those with the purpose of
improve spending on debt instruments.
In order to improve and make the sector more efficient, it is a priority
the protection of the Armed Forces personnel (underlining their importance
family reunification) and their effective use, for the protection of the territory and national sovereignty.
The protection of the Italian defense industry is essential
with particular regard to the financing of research and the implementation of national know-how in the field not purely
lic. Design and construction of ships, aircraft and high systems
It is also necessary to provide for new recruitments in law enforcement
(Carabinieri for the Defense) with increased equipment and resources.
We need to re-evaluate our presence in international missions
in terms of their actual importance for the national interest.
Finally, we are committed to rationalizing the waste of resources in expenses
military also with reference to the reform of real estate assets
The foreign policy of the next few years will have to focus on some key elements of primary importance.
The commitment is to realize a foreign policy based on centrality
national interest and on bilateral and multilateral promotion.
The membership of the Atlantic Alliance is confirmed, with the United States of America as a privileged ally, with an opening to Russia,
to be perceived not as a threat but as an economic partner
and potentially more relevant commercial. About that,
it is appropriate to withdraw sanctions imposed on Russia, to be rehabilitated
as a strategic interlocutor for the resolution of regional crises (Syria, Libya, Yemen).
It is also necessary to refocus the attention on the Southern front.
Not constituting Russia a military threat, but a potential
partners for NATO and for the EU, it is gathering in the Mediterranean
more factors of instability such as: Islamic extremism, uncontrolled migratory flows, with consequent tensions between the regional powers. In the area,
Italy should intensify its cooperation with the countries involved
against terrorism.
As for Italians residing abroad, it is necessary to enhance their wealth of experience and knowledge for support
of Made in Italy and the promotion of Italian language and culture in
world. It is also necessary to reform the voting procedures for the foreign constituency and the representative bodies of the general council
Italians abroad (CGIE and COMITES) to make them more effective, transparent and less prone to potential distortion of the vote. For COMITES
and CGIE is also required a specific reform of the functions for
to raise them with the presence of the parliamentary representation.
Finally, it is necessary to reorganize the diplomatic and consular network to guarantee adequate services to the growing number of Italian citizens who permanently transfer their residence abroad.
Sterilization of VAT and excise taxes
As a premise, we declare the intention to want to sterilize the EU safeguard clauses that lead to an increase in VAT rates
and excise duties, as it would be an intolerable blow for families and
companies, as well as provide for the correction of the extra taxation on
electronic cigarettes.
We also intend to eliminate the anachronistic components of excise duties on petrol.
Determination and simplification for households, businesses and VAT numbers
As a consequence of the high tax burden present in Italy, the spending power of households and businesses for consumption and investment is
inadequate, with quantitative and qualitative standards below average
European. At the same time, the bureaucracy is very complex and commits
taxpayers in excessive obligations, with significant economic aggravations to be in compliance with the tax authorities.
All this negatively affects the quality of the tax relationship with
taxpayers and on the competitiveness of the Italian production sector.
The context that characterizes us therefore makes it necessary to adopt
courageous and revolutionary reform measures, with a view to reducing the level of fiscal pressure and improving the relationship between
financial administration and tax payers.
Starting point is the revision of the tax system of income from
individuals and companies, with particular reference to the rates in force, the system of deductions and deductions and the criteria for taxation of households.
The key concept is "flat tax", ie a tax reform characterized by the introduction of fixed rates, with a system of deductions for
guarantee the progressivity of the tax, in harmony with the constitutional principles.
In particular, the new tax regime is characterized as follows: two
fixed rates at 15% and 20% for natural persons, VAT numbers, companies
and families; for families there is a fixed deduction of 3,000.00
euro based on family income.
The purpose is not to cause any disadvantage to the lower classes
income, for which the principle of the "no tax area" remains confirmed,
as well as generally not to cause any penalizing tax treatment compared to the current tax regime. Greater tax fairness,
therefore, in favor of all taxpayers: families and businesses.
The resulting effects are: greater tax savings,
greater propensity to consumption and investment, greater base
taxable taxable, thanks also to the recovery of avoidance, evasion and the phenomenon of non-payment of taxes.
It is also necessary to re-establish the relationship between the State and the taxpayers by revising the principles and criteria governing the administration's actions
financial. Good faith and mutual cooperation between the parties will be
the cornerstones of the new path that we intend to start, focused: on
anticipatory contradiction with the taxpayer, to be erected in principle
general hinge of the tax legal system; abolition
of the reversal of the burden of proof, to be always charged to the financial administration, with the exclusion of recourse to presumptive tools for determining income in cases of full and proven
taxpayer tax regularity; on the reduction of assessment times in cases of active and constant collaboration of the tax payer
in the fulfillment of accounting and payment requirements; on
simplification of accounting requirements for the creation of a digital tax office, in line with the most innovative processing tools and
data communication; on the general principle of direct responsibility
by the financial administration for damages caused by illegitimate activity (under assessment and collection).
On the collection side, the administration's action must reconcile the citizen's interest in paying the amount due
the interest in receiving the least possible burden, avoiding any form
of pressure such as to generate a "state of fear" against the
institutions and persons responsible for collection.
The statistics show that the collection proceeds derive
almost exclusively from the rateazioni and other similar measures that
aim to facilitate payment. The necessity of one is evident then
intervention to strengthen the procedures aimed at good recovery
of credit.
The improvement of the collection procedures inevitably passes
from the estimate and final disposal of the amount of debts registered in
role, dated and difficult to collect due to insolvency of taxpayers.
It is opportune to establish a "fiscal peace" with taxpayers to remove the economic imbalance of the obligations undertaken and to favor
the extinction of the debt by settling the amount owed, in all those exceptional and unintentional situations of demonstrated
economic difficulty. Excluding any condoning purposes, the measure can
become an effective aid to citizens in difficulty and the first step
towards a "friendly collection" of tax payers.
We need to take action to resolve the issue of the outstanding debts of the
public administration towards tax payers, taking into account
the pathological extent of the phenomenon in our country and the need
of its redefinition at European level for the purpose of statistical indicators.
The balance of the relationship between financial administration and tax payers
it also moves from the equalization of the tools made available
for the collection of the respective credits. On this point, among the concretely practicable measures, the institute of compensation between credits and
debts towards the public administration, to be favored by extending the admitted cases, and securitization
of tax receivables, also through instruments such as small-scale government bonds, also by assessing the definition in the appropriate offices
of public debt.
It is necessary to intervene for the abolition of the sphe- meter and the profitometer, anachronistic instruments and vexers of income recognition,
confirming the opposition to patrimonial taxation measures.
On the other hand, also in consideration of the drastic reduction of the load
tributary thanks to the flat tax and the other measures described above, in terms of the fight against tax evasion, the action is aimed at tightening up the existing
sanctions, administrative and penal framework, to ensure the "real prison" for the great tax evaders. It also intends to foster international cooperation on the exchange of information, as well as
prevent international tax avoidance by favoring the taxation of
large foreign capital, as well as introducing appropriate measures to combat interests.
Judiciary area and courts
The Superior Council of the Magistracy must operate in a way that is more independent of political influences of internal or external power.
It will therefore be opportune to make a revision of the election system, as regards both the laic and the togate components, such as
remove the current logic of divisions and corrictions within the organ
self-government of the judiciary.
In order to safeguard the independence and impartiality of the autonomous power of the judiciary, the judicial and parliamentary functions must
stay separate from each other. The magistrate who wants to take one
political career must be aware of the fact that, once elected, he will not be able to return to dress the toga.
We need a review of the judicial geography - modifying the
2012 reform that has centered offices and functions - with the goal of
report the courts, prosecutors and offices of the justice of the peace close to citizens and businesses.
The implementation and simplification of the process is essential
telematics and the computerization of judicial offices.
It is also necessary to restore the full functionality of the "system
justice ", through the completion of the organic judiciary plants and the administrative staff of the judicial offices, with careful assessment of their productivity.
We must recognize the role of honorary magistrates, through a complete modification of the recent 'Orlando reform', also addressing the
issues pertaining to the treatment for which they are entitled and to cover
social security and welfare.
Criminal area, criminal procedure and defense always legitimate
In view of the principle of the inviolability of private property,
the reform and extension of legitimate home defense is expected,
eliminating the elements of interpretative uncertainty (with reference
in particular the assessment of proportionality between defense and offense)
that compromise the full protection of the person who has suffered an intrusion into his home and his workplace.
The revision of the abbreviated procedure must not be allowed
the application of the same to the crimes punished with the life sentence and
to the most serious crimes referred to in Article 51, paragraph 3-bis, of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
The increase in penalties for sexual violence is a priority, with the introduction of new aggravating circumstances and increases in punishment when the victim
it is a vulnerable person, that is when the conduct is particularly serious. In order to prevent and combat femicide, it is advisable to provide specific training to operators
law enforcement officers on receiving complaints regarding offenses
with sexual background, stalking and mistreatment, for which it will be foreseen
also a real "red code".
Faced with a progressive precociousness of criminal behavior, even serious, by minors, it is necessary to revise the restrictive
rules concerning imputability, determination and enforcement
penalty for the minor, also eliminating the possibility of child treatment for the c.d. "Young adult" under twenty-five.
Equitable compensation for victims of violent crime should be ensured,
such as to allow compensation for the most extensive and complete damage.
For this reason it will be essential to change the rules for access to the 'Fund for victims of violent intentional crimes', also increasing them
considerable allocation.
An effective reform of the prescription of crimes is necessary, in parallel with the assumptions in the justice sector: to get a fair and timely process and to prevent the lengthening of the process
may represent the premise of a denied justice.
Certainty of punishment
To guarantee the principle of certainty of punishment it is essential to reform the provisions issued during the previous thesis
only to achieve deflationary effects in procedural and prison terms, to the total detriment of the safety of the community. To make sure that
those who make mistakes go back to paying it is necessary to reform and reorganize the system
created as a result of the following measures: the repeal and decriminalization of crimes, transformed into administrative offenses
and civilians, the non-punishability due to particular tenuousness of the fact, the extinction
of the offense for reparatory conduct even without the consent of the
victim, as well as the periodicals 'emptying prisons'.
It is also advisable to significantly reduce any margin of
impunity for those guilty of particularly heinous crimes such as theft
home, aggravated theft, theft with tear, the robbery and the scam
to the elderly, modifying the cases and raising the penalties.
Civil area, civil procedure and costs of justice
It is necessary to speed up and streamline the civil process by simplifying and drastically reducing the number of rites, limiting them to the ordinary ritual and to the rite of work. The obligation for the judge will also be introduced,
at the first hearing, to foresee the scheduling of the whole procedure to guarantee the parties greater certainty about the duration
of the process.
It is also necessary to implement the class-action tool,
so as to make it able to protect both private citizens and businesses
against fraud or abuse by the same economic entity. In general it will also be necessary to harmonize the system of compensation for non-pecuniary damages.
Justice must be accessible to all citizens - in particular
if less well-off - in every degree of judgment. This is why it is indispensable
to redefine the values ??and methods of payment of the unified contribution, also by suppressing the increase imposed during the previous legislature.
It is also proposed to make mediation and assisted negotiation alternatives to each other (and not both)
for all subjects and, in case the request for an experiment of the mediation takes place by the judge due to already started (c.d. mediation
delegate), that this can be done only on the joint request of the
parts and is therefore not mandatory. Otherwise, for matters in
where underage children are involved, the obligation is mandatory
of civil mediation.
Family law
As part of a review of the institution of shared custody
of the children, the material and moral interest of the minor child can not be pursued unless a true balance is achieved between both
the parental figures, in the relationship with the offspring. Therefore it will be necessary to ensure the permanence of the child with equal times between the parents,
also re-evaluating the maintenance in direct form without any automatism about the payment of a livelihood allowance
evaluating the introduction of rules aimed at combating the serious phenomenon of parental alienation.
It is necessary to reorganize and simplify the system of national and international adoptions.
Environmental crimes and animal protection
It is necessary to provide for the implementation of current laws concerning environmental crimes and those against animals, ensuring
greater protection than serious facts still not adequately pursued and a greater contrast to poaching.
Contrast to the mafias
The regulatory and administrative tools aimed at the
fight against organized crime, with particular reference to
behaviors characterized by the mafia political exchange.
It is also necessary to implement the aggression tools
assets of illicit origin, through a serious policy of seizure and confiscation of assets and management of the same, aimed at
safeguarding and protecting companies and workers before being assigned during the period of judicial administration.
Penitentiary order
To cope with the recurring phenomenon of overcrowding of institutions
prisons and guarantee dignity conditions for persons detained,
it is essential to implement a prison building plan that includes the construction of new structures and the enlargement
modernization of the current.
We must provide for the worrying lack of police personnel
Penitentiary with an extraordinary recruitment plan, as well as decisively intervene on the quality of the working life of the agents, in
terms of safeguards and structures.
Security conditions must be established in prisons, reviewing and
modifying the protocol of the c.d. 'Dynamic surveillance' and the regime
'open' penitentiary, putting surveillance systems into full operation.
It is advisable to allow as many foreign prisoners present in Italian prisons as possible to serve their sentence in
Country of origin through the activation of bilateral agreements for judicial cooperation with the countries of origin.
Finally, it is necessary to rewrite the c.d. Reform of the penitentiary order in order to guarantee the certainty of punishment for those who delinque, the
greater protection of citizens' safety, also enhancing work in prison as the main form of re-education and reintegration
of the convicted person. A review is also envisaged
systematic and organic nature of all the rewards measures to guarantee the
the principle of the re-education of the sentence.
The new guidelines on the cd should be reviewed. "41-bis", so as to obtain
effective rigor in the functioning of the "hard prison" regime.
Tax justice
The reform of the tax process is proposed with the establishment of judges
of specialized role, with a view to guaranteeing greater impartiality
and third party judgment.
The current migratory question is unsustainable for Italy, seen i
costs to bear and the connected business, fed by national public funds often managed with little transparency and permeable to
infiltration of organized crime.
The failure of the current system of managing migratory flows risks
to question the same Schengen system.
Italy must play a decisive role at the European negotiating tables on asylum and immigration policies. We must aim at reducing the pressure of flows on external borders and
of the consequent human trafficking and at the same time, in the same vein, to a check on the current European missions in the Mediterranean, penalizing for our country, in particular for the clauses that foresee the landing of the ships used for the operations in the
our national ports without any responsibility shared by others
European countries.
The Dublin Regulation is necessary.
Respect for the principle of fair sharing of responsibilities enshrined
the Treaty on the functioning of the EU must be guaranteed through the compulsory and automatic relocation of asylum seekers between
EU Member States, on the basis of objective and quantifiable parameters e
with the redirection of asylum applications to other countries.
In observance of constitutionally guaranteed rights we propose that
the procedures for the verification of the right to refugee status or its revocation are made reliable and quick, also through the adoption of procedures
accelerated and / or border, the identification of safe countries of origin e
origin, protection within the country of origin (IPA) and alignment of current forms of protection with international standards.
At the same time, in order to guarantee a correct balance with the
interests of security and public order, it is then necessary to provide specific types of offenses that involve, if committed by asylum seekers, their immediate removal from the national territory.
Given that current mechanisms and the substantial funding allocated to reception are an element of attraction for crime, closer monitoring of costs is needed. For this it is necessary to give
transparency in the management of public funds destined to the reception system, so as to eliminate the infiltration of organized crime.
It is necessary to introduce the obligation to publicize the financial statements of the managers to ensure accurate checks on the reporting of services and
of the goods supplied, the costs incurred and the results achieved.
The current system of entrusting private individuals to the centers must be overcome
aim for greater involvement of public institutions, a
start from the territorial ones, entrusting the management of the centers themselves to the regions and foreseeing measures that have the acquisition of the
prior consent of the local authorities involved, as a necessary condition for their establishment.
It is essential to disrupt the smugglers' business it has caused
landings and deaths in the Mediterranean Sea and dismantling organizations
international criminals for the trafficking of human beings, with further
cooperation and involvement of the judicial police of other countries
The assessment of the admissibility of applications for international protection must take place in the countries of origin or transit, with support
European Agencies, in structures that guarantee full protection
of human rights. We also believe that we need to implement bilateral agreements, both from Italy and from the European Union,
with third countries, both transit and origin, in order to make repatriation procedures clear and rapid.
It is necessary to provide, at the same time, the identification of temporary residence sites aimed at repatriation, with at least one location
for each region, subject to agreement with the Region itself, and with one
sufficient capacity for all irregular immigrants present and tracked on the national territory, guaranteeing the protection of human rights.
To date there are about 500 thousand irregular migrants present on our territory and, therefore, a serious and effective policy of repatriation is indifferent and priority.
For the purpose of carrying out the procedures and effective repatriation, the
detention must be arranged for the entire period necessary to
ensure that the removal is performed in a maximum time
total of eighteen months, in harmony with the Community provisions.
Therefore, with a view to the efficient and consistent management of public resources with the political actions to be implemented, it is therefore necessary to proceed
to a review of the current destination of the same in terms of
asylum and immigration, in particular by providing for the use of part of the
resources allocated for reception to allocate them to the Repatriation Fund.
Finally, a necessary revision of the current legislation on family reunification and social benefits is necessary in order to avoid
fictitious cases, the undue use of subsidies provided and guarantee their effective sustainability with respect to the economic condition of our country.
In a global context, it is necessary to make sure that international investment flows and the financing of funds are made transparent
funds for cooperation. We need to stop the sale of arms to the countries in
conflict, preventing and combating international terrorism, including
Islamist matrix.
For the purposes of transparency in relations with other religious confessions, especially those that have not signed the agreements with the
Italian State, and prevention of possible terrorist infiltration,
repeatedly reported nationally and internationally, it is necessary
adopt ad hoc legislation providing for the establishment of a register
ministers of worship and traceability of funding for the construction of mosques and, in general, places of worship, even if differently named.
Furthermore, adequate tools must be available to allow the immediate control and closure of all radical Islamic associations
as well as mosques and places of worship, however named, which
they are irregular. In this regard, to ensure effective and effective action
uniform throughout the country it is necessary to adopt a specific framework law on mosques and places of worship, which also includes
the involvement of local communities.
14. WORK
On the subject of work, it is of primary importance to guarantee a fair salary to the worker in order to guarantee him a life and a job
dignified, in conditions of freedom, fairness, security and dignity, implementing the principles enshrined in Article 36 of the Constitution. To that end
it is considered necessary to introduce a minimum hourly wage law which, for all categories of workers and productive sectors in which
the minimum wage is not set by collective bargaining,
establish that every hour of the worker can not be paid beyond
below a certain amount. Likewise they can not be free anymore
apprenticeships for the liberal professions.
In order to foster a speedy recovery in employment and to free companies that are burdened by burdens, often unnecessary and burdensome, a structural reduction of the tax wedge should be implemented on the one hand, and on the other
a simplification, rationalization and reduction, also through the
digitization, of the bureaucratic obligations connected to the management
administrative work relationships that heavily affect the
labor costs in terms of time, efficiency and dedicated resources.
The total cancellation of the vouchers has created many inconveniences to the many
sectors for which this means of payment represented, on the other hand,
an indispensable tool. Its replacement with the c.d. "booklet
family »and with the« occasional service contract »only made the use of ancillary work more complex, with the risk of a
increase in undeclared work. It is therefore necessary to put in place one
comprehensive reform of the current legislation aimed at introducing a
special tool, clear and simple, that does not lend itself to abuse, which can be activated electronically through a special digital platform,
for the management of accessory work relationships.
In order to protect occupational and social security, it is important to do so
development and strengthening of active policies facilitating employment, relocation and adequate income and support measures
social protection. This can be implemented first of all by proceeding to
a thorough reform and strengthening of employment centers.
Particular attention will be paid to the contrast of precariousness, also caused by the "jobs act", to build more stable working relationships and to allow families a more serene planning of their future.
Promote investments in young, innovative and technological companies,
it means betting on the future and enhancing merit and research. TO
for this purpose a profound reorganization appears necessary above all
training aimed at the effective employment and quality that you watch
not only to today's reality but to invest in the sectors of the future in order
to adapt work to technological changes and supply, through
continuous training processes for workers. It will also have to favor,
in secondary schools and universities,
the birth of new professionals suitable for the skills required by the fourth industrial revolution and in possession of the appropriate
profiles, as well as providing measures to support micro and small enterprises in the renewal of their production processes, as a prerequisite for the development of a strategy aimed at the wider dissemination
of advanced technologies.
It is also necessary to introduce measures to ensure adequate
upper secondary professional technical training, able to ensure our young people access to the world of work and work
manual, technical and craft professions.
A strict and effective anti-corruption legislation is urgently required
to allow a significant recovery of unduly subtracted resources
to the State and, at the same time, revive the country's competitiveness, favoring real competition in the private sector for the benefit of the
small and medium-sized businesses.
The measures to be carried out are the following: the increase of the
punishments for all crimes against the public administration of a corruptive nature for which penalties are to be precluded by means of a system that prohibits access to alternative reward rituals; the 'DASPO'
for the corrupt and corrupting, that is the interdiction from the public offices and the
perpetual inability to contract with the public administration for
who has been definitively convicted of a corruptive crime
against the Public Administration; in the context of full implementation
of the 2003 UN Convention of Merida, the introduction of the figure
of the "undercover agent" and the assessment of the agent's figure
provocateur in the presence of clues, to encourage the emergence of the
Corruption phenomena in the Public Administration. To these tools is
necessary to combine, as well as a strengthening of the National Anti-corruption Authority and the plan to prevent corruption, one
modification of the provisions in force - to date not fully effective - in
terms of prevention and repression, including strengthening the safeguards for the
In the case of wiretapping, it is advisable to intervene to strengthen them
use, especially for corruption offenses.
A marital status must protect, protect, assist and integrate anyone with a disability. It is essential to consolidate and renew the
protection and inclusion policies dedicated to people with disabilities and aimed at guaranteeing concrete and effective support during
all the stages of life. Funds are expected to be generally strengthened
on disability and non self-sufficiency in order to enable people with disabilities to live independently and to participate
fully in all areas of life, ensuring access to the physical environment, transport, information and communication, including information and communication systems and technologies, and
other equipment and services open or offered to the public.
It is necessary to intervene so that the welfare treatments, social security and indemnity, including debit cards, for whatever reason perceived
from public administrations, if they are related to the condition of disability, they are strictly excluded from the calculation of the ISEE or other income indicators, necessary for access to benefits or benefits. With
reference to the indemnity for civil invalidity, we propose its increase and adaptation to the social pension.
The O.N.U. on the right to persons with disabilities, proceeding to a complete revision
existing laws and ensuring that every choice of the legislator is always placed in the context of a full awareness that "people
with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments that in interaction with various barriers can prevent their full and effective participation in the
society on a basis of equality with others ".
To ensure protection and inclusion for people with disabilities or not
self-sufficient, it is necessary to overcome the fragmentation of national and local public intervention, through a coordinated and shared governance of the interventions and the networking of providers of
We must ensure the timely updating of the facilities
for the purchase of goods and aids for people with disabilities.
The inclusion of students with disabilities must be guaranteed, through a better specialization of teachers for the
support and implementation of their presence in the classroom. They will have to
identify upgrade paths for curriculum teachers and for
all the figures in the school. It is necessary a cultural intervention to contrast the prejudices on disability, ensuring that in the
educational path there are moments of listening and meeting with the
disability, including with the involvement of disabled people's associations.
We need to make a reconnaissance of the state of implementation of the law
68/99 on the placement of protected categories for work, with one
particular attention for serious disabilities, ensuring compliance
in the public sector and encouraging recruitment in the private sector and, if necessary, contemplating specific work paths for physical and / or psychic disabilities.
It is necessary to guarantee the accessibility of places, goods and services through
an effective removal of architectural barriers, including a civic audit in the construction of public works.
We need to implement a "policy for independent living" that favors the access of people with disabilities to homes recently
conception or construction. We need social housing policies that
involve the private sector and introduce, in the urbanization costs,
quotas to be reserved for people with disabilities.
We need to encourage cohousing and organize specific training courses, held by health personnel and through self-help meetings, to increase the knowledge and skills of the caregivers.
It is necessary to guarantee the complete accessibility of the contents and documents of the Public Administration, in compliance with the Directive
EU 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October
2016, concerning the accessibility of websites and mobile applications
of public bodies.
Furthermore, in order to give adequate representation to disability on the political agenda, we are committed to establishing a dedicated department.
Finally, an adequate representation must also be guaranteed through the establishment of a regional Guarantor as a reference figure in
cases of non-compliance and violations of the rights of persons with disabilities.
It is necessary to provide for the abolition of the social security system imbalances introduced by the so-called pension reform. "Fornero", allocating 5
billions to facilitate the exit from the labor market of the categories ad
today excluded.
We will give immediately the opportunity to get out of work when the sum
the worker's age and years of contributions is at least 100, with
the objective of allowing the retirement age to be achieved with 41
years of contributory seniority, also taking into account the workers engaged in wear and tear.
Furthermore, it is necessary to reorganize the welfare system by providing for the separation between social security and assistance.
We will prolong the experimental measure "woman option" that allows
to workers with 57-58 years and 35 years of contributions to retire immediately, opting in toto for the contributory scheme. We will prolong this experimental measure, using the available resources.
It is necessary to refinance Local Authorities by giving priority to family welfare
(such as support for free nursery services
in favor of Italian families, policies for women, for the elderly and
the third age, the support to the suburbs), with a view to synergy between all
components of the state to achieve the objectives of economic development of quality and to bring the country out of the economic crisis.
We need to introduce effective policies for the family, to allow the
women to reconcile family times with those of work, too
through appropriate services and income support. Furthermore, it is necessary
provide for: raising maternity benefits, a maternity economic premium for women returning to work and
contribution reductions for companies that keep mothers at work
after the birth of children.
It is necessary to introduce benefits to families through: reimbursements for
nurseries and baby sitters, tax benefits, including "zero VAT" for
neonatal and child products.
Important attention must also be paid to the elderly with
measures aimed at facilitating families with elderly dependents, including home care also by housekeepers and caregivers.
Basic income
Citizenship income is an active measure aimed at Italian citizens
in order to reintegrate them into the social and working life of the country. guarantees
the dignity of the individual and acts as a flywheel to express potential
work in our country, encouraging employment growth and
The measure is configured as an income support tool for
Italian citizens who are in need; the amount
disbursement is established on the basis of the poverty risk threshold calculated for both income and capital. The amount is set in
€ 780.00 per month per person, based on the basis of the
OECD scale for larger households.
In order to allow the reintegration of the citizen into the world of work,
the provision of citizenship income presupposes an active commitment
of the beneficiary who will have to take part in job offers coming from
employment centers (maximum of three proposals over a period of two
years), with the expiry of the benefit in case of refusal to perform
work required.
The measure is based on two guiding guidelines that are on the one hand the type of professionalism of the worker in question and on the other the synergy
with the economic development strategy aimed at the goal of full
employment, triggered by industrial policies aimed at reconverting
the productive sectors, so as to develop the necessary innovation for
achieve quality development.
This path involves an investment of 2 billion euro for the reorganization and strengthening of the employment centers that will act as a catalyst and work reconversion of workers who
they are temporarily in a state of unemployment.
The planning of a general strengthening of all employment centers in Italy is aimed at: increasing the presence, efficiency and quality of employment services; identify and define
suitable standards for the provision of services to be provided; adjust the levels
training of operating personnel.
A dialogue will have to be initiated in the community offices in order to apply the
Measure A8-0292 / 2017 approved by the European Parliament
last 6 October 2017, which would guarantee the use of 20% of the total European Social Fund (ESF) envelope to establish a
Citizenship income also in Italy (the only European country beyond
Greece not to provide for this measure), including by inviting the Commission
European Union to monitor specifically the use of the ESF for the fight against
poverty and social exclusion.
Citizenship pension
It is necessary to assign a citizenship pension to those who live below
the minimum poverty line.
Our proposal is represented by an integration for a pensioner who has a check less than € 780.00 per month, according to the
same parameters as for citizenship income.
In the context of fundamental institutional reform, a pragmatic and feasible approach is needed, with reference to some
limited, punctual, homogeneous interventions, through the presentation of
distinct and autonomous constitutional legislative initiatives.
We need to start from the drastic reduction in the number of parliamentarians:
400 deputies and 200 senators. In this way, it will be easier to organize the work of the Chambers and the approval process will become more efficient
of laws, without affecting in any way the supreme principle of
representation, since the election directed by suffrage would remain firm
universal by the people for both branches of Parliament without compromising their functions. In this way it will be possible to achieve
also huge reductions in spending as the total number of senators and deputies will be almost halved.
It is necessary to introduce forms of binding for the parliamentarians, for
to counteract the ever-increasing phenomenon of transformism. Moreover, other systems, including European ones, contain forecasts aimed at
prevent defections and ensure that parliamentary groups are always
expression of political forces presented to voters, such as
can be derived from Article 160 of the Portuguese Constitution or from
discipline of parliamentary groups in Spain.
It is also essential to strengthen an indispensable institution of direct democracy already provided for by our constitutional order: the
abrogative referendum. To incentivize forms of active participation
of citizens in national political life, the quorum must be canceled
structural - ie the need for participation in the vote
of the majority of those entitled - in order to make the referendum institute effective and binding. Further objective of this proposal, in
furrow of the spirit that animates Article 75 of the Constitution, is that
to discourage electoral abstention in any form, often exploited to encourage non-voting, in order to sabotage referendum consultations. Always with the aim of encouraging participation
direct citizens to the political life of the country we support the introduction of the proactive referendum, ie a means to transform into
reads proposals advanced by citizens and voted by them.
It is then necessary to make the pronouncement of the Parliament mandatory on
bills of popular initiative, with timely scheduling.
We also intend to improve the relationship between citizens and institutions
intervene on those foundations, directly or indirectly linked to political parties, introducing appropriate measures to guarantee the
maximum transparency of the loans received and of the financial activities carried out.
Other issues to be addressed in constitutional terms are: abolition
of the National Council of Economy and Labor, an institution that proved ineffective in relation to the purposes for which it was conceived, and the affirmation of the principle of the prevalence of our Constitution on the
Community law, in analogy to the German model, without prejudice to
respect of Article 11 of the Constitution.
It is necessary to provide for greater flexibility in the governance action in
in order to cope effectively with the various economic cycles,
providing for the adjustment of the budgetary balance rule, which
it effectively makes an effective anti-cyclical action of the
In terms of regionalism, the commitment will be to put as
priority issue on the Government agenda for all
the Regions that justify it, of greater autonomy
in implementation of the art. 116, third paragraph, of the Constitution, bringing
the negotiations between the Government and the regions currently open are also rapidly concluding. The recognition of the additional competences must be accompanied by the transfer of the resources necessary for a
autonomous exercise of the same. In fact, greater autonomy must be accompanied by greater responsibility on the territory, in terms
of fair satisfaction of the services to guarantee its citizens and in
terms of efficiency and effectiveness of the action carried out. This path of
renewal of the institutional structure will have to give more and more strength to the
regionalism by applying the logic of geometry, region by region
variable that takes into account both the peculiarities and the specificities of the
different territorial realities of national solidarity, giving space
to the positive energies and to the propulsive drives expressed by the local communities.
The necessary transfers to local and regional authorities must be guaranteed
contextual cessation of the "cutting policies" carried out by the latter
There is still a lot to do to bring public decisions closer to citizens. A way that seems also suggested by articles 5 and 118 of the
Constitution, consists in transferring administrative functions from the State to the Regions and then to the Municipalities according to the principle of subsidiarity.
In this context, the plan to implement the constitutional provisions on Roma Capitale (Article 114 of the Constitution) by law is also to be revived
of the state. In this way a new Pact will be established between the Republic and its capital, giving it new and definitive dignity.
The "standard costs" model for services should also be used
regional and local.
To simplify the lives of citizens and institutions, it is necessary to decrease
drastically the number of rules in force and make sure that the
laws are implemented. It is also necessary to check the implementation status
individual provisions and their effectiveness also with a budget
concrete results of their implementation.
In particular, it is necessary to do the "cutting of laws", to assess whether the effects obtained in the long run are those originally proposed and,
in the case, if modifications, integrations or even are necessary
should be repealed.
To ensure the effectiveness of state services to citizens and to give
space for the professional skills of staff and management
public, it is necessary to simplify and standardize the proceedings and to rationalize and consolidate the numerous public databases
existing today.
The criteria for appointing independent administrative authorities should be standardized.
It is appropriate to introduce the principle of digital citizenship from birth, providing free access to the Internet for each citizen.
It is also essential to introduce an effective system for assessing the performances of the public administration as a whole,
personnel and public management, also through the involvement of users.
It is a priority to preserve the current management model of the health service with predominantly public funding and to protect the universalistic principle on which the law n. 833 of 1978 institutiva
of the National Health Service. Protecting the national health service
it means safeguarding the state of health of the country, guaranteeing equity
in access to care and uniformity of the essential levels of assistance.
Regional autonomy must be preserved and safeguarded
health services while maintaining the national government the task of indicating
essential levels of assistance, the objectives that the health system must
pursue and guarantee to citizens the correct and adequate supply
health services provided by regional systems
With this in mind, it is believed that various types of actions are and will be useful
structural, starting from an incisive intervention on health management,
or on health managers, who will have to be properly and
previously trained to guarantee the sustainability and quality of the
health system and chosen according to the competence and merit, not on the
basis of political or party logic. The relationship must be rescinded
harmful and archaic between politics and health by providing new and different criteria for the appointment of both the general managers, both the health and administrative managers, as well as managers of complex structures.
It is also necessary to ensure the transparency and evaluation of the work of the Directors-General in terms of achieving the objectives
of health and budget in the management of companies. It must also be guaranteed
that to those additional resources correspond more quality services for
the citizens.
Health must be financed mainly by the tax system
and, therefore, partnership sharing must be reduced to a minimum
individual citizens.
It is necessary to fully recover all the economic resources
subtracted in these years with the various measures of public finance, ensuring effective economic sustainability at the essential levels of
assistance through the refinancing of the national health fund,
so as to solve some of the structural problems.
The recovery of resources will take place thanks to an effective fight against waste and inefficiency, and thanks to the revision of pharmaceutical governance, the implementation of centralization of purchases, the computerization and digitalization of the NHS, the revision of procedures
agreement and accreditation, the fight against corruption and corruption
promotion of transparency.
It is necessary to realize the computerization of the NHS with particular
reference to the Electronic Health Record, to digital recipes, to
dematerialization of reports and medical records and reservations e
online payments, so as to allow real transparency and effective control in terms of immediate and public verification of results
management. It is also necessary to highlight the existing relationship
between the reimbursements charged to the NHS and the clinical result in terms of effectiveness
and appropriateness; start and implement telemedicine thanks to all the innovative technologies, in order to reduce the movement of patients, reduce costs and ensure higher quality home care.
We need to guarantee, implement and integrate social and health services, investing in prevention and overcoming the "hospital-centric" model.
The hospital care response in the acute phase of the disease
it must be guaranteed and at the same time it is necessary to develop territorial services in a widespread manner, with organizational standards and costs
of access to homogeneous and pre-defined services, ensuring the taking in
load of the user, through a specific socio-health path and through more suitable prevention services. Is essential
the implementation of a territorial coordination, so as to guide
and direct users to available local and hospital services,
favoring the appropriate choice of the place of care.
Social and health integration is fully realized when the need for health in the healthcare component is satisfied, in continuity
that of social protection. Social and health integration involves
also in economic terms, the different involvement of the Regions e
of Municipalities, whose programming tools are fundamental for
realize an effective co-planning to satisfy the assistance needs of the territory and of the citizens who live there. It is necessary to guarantee adequate economic and structural resources for social and health services
territorial proximity and domiciliary in a logic of transversality that
on the one hand, it deals with the needs of the individual and, on the other, with the needs
of the local community. In order to guarantee an effective and widespread support for territorial services, the role of the companies should also be reviewed
general practitioners. We will strengthen and implement the role
of the general practitioner who must be the main one
protagonist of the patient's supply chain.
It is impractical to intervene on waiting times for First Aid,
reducing access times through the implementation of low-intensity care facilities. We need to outline assistance paths
and personalized care and close to the citizen as well as adequately
accessible, re-order the system of access to services from the perspective of
reduce waiting times, eliminate any form of waste resulting from an inappropriate organization of services and assistance
and from inadequate health governance, from a lack of technological and digital modernization of the national health service. IS
necessary to ensure that there is no imbalance between services
institutions and those provided under the liberal professions, especially with regard to waiting times.
The problem of waiting times is also a consequence of the widespread lack of specialist doctors, nurses and health workers. And so
indispensable to hire the necessary medical and health personnel,
also to implement article 14 of the law n. 161/2014.
The places for specialist training of doctors should be
determined by real welfare needs and also taking into account
retirement, thereby ensuring harmonization between posts in the
degree courses and places in the specialization course. The reality is that
this harmonization is not there and the places for specialist training
they are in fact determined by two factors: the ability of the universities to accommodate doctors in training and the financing of the universities
scholarships from the MIUR. Therefore, if on the one hand it can be
necessary to increase the number of medical graduates, even if the number closed is reviewed, the other will have to increase the scholarships
study for specialization students. We must allow more widely
that the newly graduated doctor has access to the health facility for
achieve the theoretical and technical-practical skills and the autonomy necessary for carrying out the chosen medical specialization (Article 22
of the 2014 "Health Pact").
The problem of the aging of the population and of the subsequent problems related to the chronicity of the diseases must be addressed
and to the co-morbidity. With this in mind, it is necessary to guarantee the widespread dissemination of socio-health and low-care structures. They must
also the organization of the pathways and the support structures for chronic-degenerative and oncological diseases will be implemented
and adequate resources must be provided for the direct and personalized assistance of those affected by rare and chronic diseases. It should also be
enhanced biomedical research carried out within the health system
and from the universities.
The first victims of a social system based on utilitarianism e
on profit, together with disabled people in any way, become unavoidable
mind the elderly. It is necessary to make the inclusion of
significant representation of patients (direct or family members) ai
management summits of care facilities dedicated to advanced age
directly inserted into the NHS or to the affiliated facilities. Only the
direct and widespread control of the interested parties can guarantee compliance with
those parameters of civilization of life, too often disregarded in structures
that frequently are configured as atrocious terminals of "existences no longer functional to the system", rather than environments where to start
serenely and with dignity to the natural end of one's life.
Even with the aim of protecting individual and collective health, guaranteeing the necessary vaccination coverage, the issue of
the right balance between the right to education and the right to health, protecting pre-school and school children who might be a
risk of social exclusion.
The Italian school has experienced moments of serious difficulty in these years.
After the policies of linear cuts and savings, education must return to the center of our country system. The good quality of teaching, since the early years, is an indispensable condition
for the proper training of our boys. Our school will have to
be able to provide the appropriate tools to face the future
with confidence. To do this we need to start from our teachers first.
In these years the reforms that have involved the school world yes
they are shown insufficient and often inadequate, such as c.d. "Good
School ", and that is why we intend to overcome them urgently for
allow a necessary change of direction, intervening on the phenomenon
of the cd. "Henhouse classes", school buildings, rankings and teaching qualifications. Particular attention should be paid to
issue of graduates and, in general, to the problem of precarious education in kindergartens and primary schools.
One of the essential components for the proper functioning of the education system is represented by the school staff. The excessive precariousness and the continued frustration of the expectations of the
our teachers represent basic points to be addressed for
a real re-launch of our school. It will therefore be necessary to ensure, also through a transitional phase, a revision of the system
recruitment of teachers, to ensure on one hand the overcoming
the critical issues that in recent years have led to a chronic precarious and on the other an effective training system. They will be introduced
new tools that take into account the link between teachers and theirs
territory, addressing the problem of transfers at the origin (now a
record levels), which do not allow adequate teaching continuity.
Another of the failures of the c.d. "Good School" has been determined
from the possibility of the "direct call" of the teachers by the head teacher. We intend to overcome this useless instrument
how harmful.
A school that works really needs effective tools that
ensure and guarantee inclusion for all pupils, with more
attention to those with more or less serious disabilities, to whom
the same teacher must be guaranteed for the whole cycle. An inclusive school is also a school able to limit school drop-out
which in some regions reaches percentages that are no longer acceptable. To everyone
students must be allowed access to studies, in compliance with the
principle of equality of all citizens.
Culture represents a constantly evolving world. It is necessary
that even our students always keep up with cultural and scientific developments, for a formation that represents one
essential tool to face tomorrow with confidence. To allow all this we will guarantee our teachers continuous training.
We intend to guarantee the presence within our schools of teachers prepared for the specific educational and training processes, ensuring
they can implement appropriate skills in the management of students with disabilities and learning difficulties.
The c.d. "Buona Scuola" has considerably expanded the hours
compulsory alternating school-work. However, what he would have
due to being an effective student training tool, it soon became an ineffective system with students
engaged in activities that have nothing to do with learning.
Such a delicate instrument that does not require any control or control
quality of the activities carried out or on the attitude they have with the
student's cycle of studies, can only be considered harmful.
With regard to law enforcement, it is necessary to increase the funds a
provision of the sub-fund to provide for the expansion of the workforce, with a view to increasing staff, renewal of contracts in
be and reorder of careers.
The increase in funds is necessary to make investments in particular in the following equipment: cars, non-lethal weapons such as taser or
key defender, as well as bulletproof weapons and vests adequate to the risks
connected to terrorist threats.
Those who guarantee the safety of citizens must be able to operate under conditions of maximum individual protection, reducing the risk
of injuries. It is therefore essential to invest in training and in training courses against terrorism (C.A.T.) for all operators who
they carry out territorial control activities, including the operators of the
All officers performing police duties must be provided with
road of a video camera on the uniform, in the car and in the cells of
security, under the control and direction of the Privacy Authority, with
adoption of a strict regulation, to film what happens during
the service, in the demonstrations, in the square and in the stadiums.
It is also necessary to intervene for the modernization of the complex
of structures in use by law enforcement agencies and for the upgrading and
the enhancement of specialty security services (postal, border, road, railway and nautical).
Fire fighters
We propose measures to ensure the stabilization of labor relations, the strengthening of training and the adjustment of remuneration to the levels provided for law enforcement.
Local Police and coordination with state law enforcement agencies
The problems relating to the Local Police sector are due to a by now dated legislation and to a presence of agents in the territory distributed in a non-homogeneous way. It is therefore considered necessary
a reorganization of the local Police department.
For the reform to actually produce positive results for
greater security on the territory must necessarily be
introduced the following qualifying points: access to SDI databases
(survey system); better definition of the tasks of the local police; compulsory minimum instrumental equipment; regional tables
for the coordination of urban security and Local Police with
subdivision in large areas; Collective agreement. You will have to aim
to offset the expenses related to the sector from budget constraints.
Cyber ??security and contrast to bullying
It is essential to encourage the development of the security sector
also with regard to cyber security, paying particular attention to the phenomenon of cyber bullying and identifying instruments of
help in overcoming the problem, especially in environments
It is necessary to introduce repressive measures for those who commit the crime e
reward for those who report it: provide for administrative sanctions in
school regulations; single national green number; rewarding for
students who report bullying episodes (scholarships); video cameras in schools.
With regard to the problem of gambling are necessary
a series of measures to combat the phenomenon of addiction that
creates severe damage to both the social and the healthy, real and productive economy, including: absolute ban on advertising and sponsorships;
financial transparency for the gambling companies; exit strategy
from gambling machines (Slot machines, videolottery) and strong limitations
to the forms of hazard with repeated bets; obligation to use one
personal card to prevent child risk; imposition of spending limits; traceability of money flows to counter evasion
tax and mafia infiltration.
Better regulation of the phenomenon is required, with the issue of the authorization to install VLT slot machines only in well-defined locations (no bars, distributors, etc.), the limitation
in the hours of play and the increase of the minimum distance from sensitive places (such as schools and youth gathering centers).
Abusive occupations
Data on abusive occupations indicate that there are about 48,000 illegally held lodgings. There is no land registry for occupied homes. Many, in fact, belong to public buildings; a minimum
Instead, they are part of individuals and this has made it more difficult to censor them.
With regard to illegal occupants, it is necessary to speed up the evacuation procedures through firm and timely action if
there are no certified conditions of need.
The assessment of the state of need is the responsibility of the Local Health Authority and the local social services, which will have to certify the psycho-physical deficit and the objective inability of the
subject to provide the necessary support for himself and possibly for his family. The only conditions of economic difficulty can never justify abusive employment.
Unlawful foreign illegal occupants must be repatriated.
Road safety
Increased resources for the national security plan are needed
on the road, as well as the verification of the effectiveness of the interventions through the
Controls must be implemented with necessary limitations on foreign driving licenses.
It is necessary to provide, in addition to the punitive systems (for example, points
driving license), a system of reward for those who do not commit infractions
guide (for example, discounts on RC insurance, discount on car tax).
Nomad camps
The spread of the nomad camps, in recent years, the exponential increase
of crimes committed by their inhabitants and the poor health and hygiene conditions to which they are subjected has made this phenomenon a serious problem
social with exasperated manifestations, above all in the urban suburbs involved.
To date, around 40 thousand Roma live in the nomad camps and 60 percent
they are minor.
The following actions are therefore necessary: ??closing all fields
irregular nomads in implementation of Community directives; contrast
to toxic bonfires; compulsory attendance of minors under penalty of expulsion from the family or loss of parental responsibility.
In any case, we propose to intervene for the full overcoming of the
Roma camps consistent with the European Union system.
If well conducted and with the help of qualified personnel, the motor and sports practice ensures the improvement of the quality of life, contributing significantly to the prevention of diseases. Investing in motor activity, therefore, means reducing at the same time the
health expenditure. This is why we believe it is necessary to implement,
since primary school, motor practice, ensuring the presence of
teachers specialized in sports practice and increasing, at the same time, the number of hours to devote to this discipline.
Moreover, motor and sports practice has an important social value. Sport has always been a fundamental instrument of
integration and transmit fundamental values ??to the improvement of the human being, also as an individual. This is why we intend to guarantee
a general improvement of sports facilities throughout the territory,
starting from an instrument that we consider essential to achieve this goal: the establishment of the register of sports facilities
both public and private (including the scholastic, university and force sectors)
of the order and the military). The registry will allow you to know the situation
real of the installations and verify the eventual needs of modernization and / or realization of new sports structures. Through the
mapping of the plants we will be able to intervene in a targeted way to effectively allocate the resources to be allocated to the restructuring or the new construction of facilities to be dedicated to the practice
motor and sports.
Action must also be taken on aspects that can improve the functioning of sports bodies. For example, we consider one to be necessary
review of the current responsibilities of the National Olympic Committee
Italian (CONI). While considering it necessary to guarantee the sports world
adequate autonomy, it is equally important that the Government
take the role of controller of the modalities more carefully
allocation and spending of resources allocated to CONI. At the same
it is time for the Government to take over the task of issuing guidelines
fundamentals related to the sport system and motor practice in them
complex. In other words, without prejudice to the autonomy and discretion of the choices of a technical - sporting nature, which remain in the lead
at CONI, it is necessary that the Government be co-participant of the modalities
with which the public grants assigned to
CONI and then transmitted to the Federations. Finally, society needs to be
Coni Servizi has more autonomy than CONI. Both
CONI that Coni Servizi must periodically provide the Government with detailed and detailed reports on management and destination
public resources.
Clubs and sports associations
It is necessary to introduce additional tax and social security contributions for
small amateur sports associations.
It is necessary to provide for a correct legal and fiscal classification of the
Sports Associations and Associations and the protection of amateur sport e
of basic sport, also to give operational certainty and avoid substantial litigation due to the lack of certain legal references.
It is also necessary to introduce economic facilities for the stipulation of
an insurance that covers all cases of civil liability
of managers and presidents of amateur sports associations. It is also appropriate to guarantee the resources to the local authorities linked to the
cutting of operating costs and use of public sports facilities e
consequent tariff containment for users.
Through the Istituto del Credito Sportivo (also thanks to the strengthening of its regional offices) together with the Regional Committees of CONI,
the guarantee fund should be strengthened for the associations and
Amateur Sports Societies, in order to make it really usable
to allow the renovation or construction of sports facilities
with its direct management. Always through the ICS, it is necessary
to facilitate public bodies in the drafting of calls for proposals and public private partnerships aimed at restructuring or creating new ones
sport facilities. It is then necessary to facilitate the disadvantaged Municipalities through
the inclusion of the local sports facility within the local public service.
It is necessary to include a graduate in motor sciences in the permanent staff of the primary school. In the same way it is necessary to support
physical education in primary school. Measures must be taken for
supporting school sports associations.
Furthermore, it is necessary to invest in health prevention through support for sporting activities and territorial planning, even with visits
free sports medical in primary school. Sports activity e
motor is definitely a new operational mode, perhaps the only one
low cost, to make a correct prevention and to combat some chronic diseases, especially of a cardiovascular nature.
With reference to the Southern Regions, it was decided, contrary to the
in the past, not to identify specific measures with the "Mezzogiorno" brand, in the awareness that all the political choices envisaged by the
present contract (with particular reference to income support,
pensions, investments, environment and protection of employment levels) are
oriented by the belief towards a homogeneous economic development
for the country, while taking into account the different territorial needs with
the goal of bridging the gap between North and South.
We consider it necessary to intervene in the competent offices to cut the
costs of politics and institutions, eliminating excesses and privileges.
The social security system (of the annuities or pension) of the parliamentarians, of the regional councilors and of all the components and
employees of the constitutional bodies to the prevailing social security system
for all citizens, even for the past.
It is necessary to rationalize the use of blue cars and state aircraft, as well as the use of personal escort services.
For a greater social fairness we also consider an intervention aimed at cutting the CDs. pensions of gold (above 5,000.00
euro net monthly) not justified by the contributions paid.
In terms of sustainable mobility it is necessary to start a process aimed at the progressive reduction of the use of motor vehicles
fueled by diesel and petrol, in order to reduce the number of polluting vehicles and contribute concretely to the achievement and improvement
objectives contained in the Paris agreement.
It is a priority to use financial instruments to encourage the purchase of a
new hybrid and electric vehicle in the face of scrapping - sale
of a means with an endothermic engine or for retrofit operations for
internal combustion vehicles.
The grant granted, which must be carefully updated
on the basis of the rate of decrease in the international prices of electric cars, it will also serve as a flywheel for the strengthening of the
presence in the territory of a sales and infrastructure system
It is necessary to introduce or experiment also other accompanying actions, such as reward mechanisms for the incentivisation of very low emission vehicles, applying the community rule of the "polluter pays".
The National Infrastructural Plan for the recharge of powered vehicles
electricity must become a dynamic instrument capable
to intercept and solve problems related to
possible infrastructural deficiencies, both at national and local level, for
actively contribute to the development of electric mobility.
Finally, it is necessary to grant public spaces for car sharing
of increasing shares of electric cars in the fleet.
It is necessary to encourage the development of urban and extra-urban cycling networks and a bike-sharing system capable of integrating different ones
mobility systems on iron and rubber. The cyclostations should
be present near the intermodal car parks, stations
railway, subways and buses, as well as to the sites of
tourist interest.
Italy for its geographical location in the center of the Mediterranean
represents the natural link hinge for traffic coming from the Far and the Middle East to Europe.
We must invest adequate resources to equip our ports with
back port areas capable of guaranteeing the clearance of goods in
site, which must then be transported thanks to the high portability in the
final destinations.
The main Italian ports must have the status of gateway ports (areas
of customs clearance of goods) and do not carry transhipment (one-pass only)
between a ship and the other). A status strongly affected by the recent legislation on port reorganization.
Without an adequate high capacity transport network we could not
never see our natural role as a logistics leader recognized
in Europe and the Mediterranean.
It is also necessary to favor the intermodal switch from rubber to iron
in freight transport by investing in the rail link of the ports
With regard to regional rail transport, a first important step to be taken to respond to a need for
fast, safe and low environmental impact mobility is represented
modernization and upgrading of railway lines
existing. The railway will have to be able to cover again
the role of the main high-density transport system because, at present; represents the only sustainable mobility solution for the
medium and long distances, helping to alleviate the problems of
commuter congestion, safety and environmental pressure.
Resources must also be recovered through a tariff policy
based on the analysis of the relationship between costs and benefits, identify and give
listening to the needs and needs of the territory by involving the stakeholders
qualified holders and users.
With reference to Alitalia we are convinced that this should not simply be saved from the perspective of mere economic survival but relaunched, as part of a national transport strategic plan
which can not be separated from the presence of a competitive national carrier.
With regard to the Turin-Lyon High Speed ??Line, we are committed
to completely reconsider the project in the application of the agreement
between Italy and France.
Regarding the management of the public radio television service
we intend to adopt management guidelines geared to the major
transparency, the elimination of political allotment and the promotion of meritocracy and the enhancement of the professional resources that the company already has.
Italy is a nation with a tourist vocation thanks to its historical heritage,
cultural, landscape and natural and to excellences such as, for example,
food and wine, fashion, design, unique in the world.
Tourism currently accounts for 12% of GDP and 14% of employment. can he
be much more valuable and become one of the key areas for activation
of the flywheel of our economy.
A country like Italy can not have a Ministry of Tourism,
that can not be just a direction of another ministry (tourism
culture is only one of the "tourism"), but it needs the centrality of governance and competence, with a vision and a mission consistent with the
great growth goals that our country can achieve.
The Ministry will have to achieve important objectives through the creation of a virtuous public-private circle and greater effectiveness
in relations with the Regions; all in full coordination between the tour operators, the various Associations and Institutions and other Ministries of
subjects "connected" to Tourism, such as Transport, Infrastructures, Agriculture, Economic Development, Telecommunications,
Culture, etc.
The new ministerial structure will not have a negative economic impact for the state coffers, therefore two will be identified
basic formal steps that will take place in the time of the legislature: an initial break-up of the tourism skills outside
from the MiBACT to relocate them to the Presidency of the Council of the
Ministers, in the form of the Department. Subsequently, through
gradual and prudent legislative steps with respect to regional competences, but above all with constant work on the reorganization of financial resources dedicated to tourism (through all the interventions
listed below), you could create the Ministry with Portfolio dedicated to tourism. The reorganization of ENIT will be crucial to activate
an important flywheel for the promotion of Italy abroad, second
defined objectives and a transparent measurement of results.
Due to the important objective of the recovery of the competitiveness of national companies in tourism it is essential to introduce important measures in the field of taxation, to combat illegal activity at all levels and in
all sectors and recover more protection in Europe.
In particular, the aim is to introduce the "Tourist Web Tax" for
counteract the unfair competition of the OLTAs (OnLine Travel Agency)
foreigners who create enormous damage to operators in the tourism sector
and to the state coffers, going beyond the sample checks that are
expensive and inefficient and penalties that are late, light and often bad.
In view of the refinancing of resources for institutions
premises we plan to abolish the tourist tax.
A sector that generates 14% of direct and indirect employment only
in our country and that in the world is worth 1 work out of 10, it is a sector
key to economic, social and cultural development.
In tourism in Italy there is specific training, but too often
it is not sufficient and above all suitable to adequately prepare the
young people at the real work of the sector. The interventions to be carried out must
be broad-spectrum and not just aimed at specialization.
Tourism is also one of the sectors that can give more work to young people
and it will be necessary to incentivize employment through decontribution interventions for a few years (minimum 2) to tourism companies that hire our young people. Employment and training are
closely linked and it will be necessary to restructure the bases, starting
for example, from the reorganization of the profession of tourist guide (ticket
important tour for tourists) and a transformation of the
State Hotel Institutes towards the form of specialist colleges (on
Swiss and French model).
Efficient management must be recovered at the national strategy level
and effective of marketing Country realized through the Tourism Promotion Agency which in recent years has failed the important objectives of
coordinated promotion of Italy abroad, swallowing public resources without the slightest control. The interventions that are proposed in this
therefore they first pass for a complete redefinition
of the ENIT governance system and its financial functioning,
economic and operational.
The overall intervention in the marketing field can not ignore
from interventions in the field of digitization, so that it is real and
widespread, not only with the extension of wi-fi on the territory, but also e
above all with the implementation of practices and initiatives that allow to really govern the flows of tourism, also and above all in a predictive perspective.
Tourism in the world is now predominantly digital: the offer and the
Tourism demand is moving globally in digitally transformed and highly disintermediate contexts, as happens in the sectors
traditional manufacturing. Italy can not stay out of this transformation. It is therefore crucial to govern this important area
both on the supply side (destinations, transport carriers, platforms)
and Olta, global social players, etc.) and the demand (widening access to information, monitoring and integrating sources, managing Big Data, segmentation, profiling and
definition of forecast trends), through the review of existing digital platforms and the creation of a national platform
unique dedicated to tourism and tourists, not just as a platform for
communication and promotion of the country, but also as a platform
e-commerce of the cultural tourism product (hotel reservation,
tours, restaurants, museum and theater tickets), in order to be able to do
of Italy the nation to which in the future the whole world will look like
tourist model, as happens today for other recognized excellences
Beyond the various "tourism" and the specificity of tourism products, whose
definition and interest must necessarily derive from the correct analysis of trends, but above all from the considerations of the private sector, a fundamental priority is accessible tourism, which
it must be limited only to breaking down architectural barriers, because the tourism product must be usable at all levels and in a manner
inclusive and sustainable.
In light of the problems that have emerged in recent years, Italy will ask
full implementation of the objectives set in 1992 with the Treaty of
Maastricht, confirmed in 2007 with the Lisbon Treaty, identifying the instruments to be activated for each objective.
In particular, he will ask:
to set the lines of governance of the global supply and demand in order to achieve the agreed goal of "promoting
balanced and sustainable economic and social progress, notably through the creation of an area without internal borders, the
strengthening economic and social cohesion and the establishment of
an economic union ";
to extend the current Bylaws of the main banks to the ECB
world headquarters to achieve a monetary union appropriate to the
geopolitical and economic imbalances prevailing and consistent with the objectives
of the economic union;
to share the agreed choices to "affirm the European identity on the international scene" that is disengaged from the image of the supremacy of one or more member-states in contrast with the democratic foundation of the Union;
(d) to implement the commitment established in the Treaty to establish "one
citizenship of the Union "which is an expression of equality" of the rights e
of the interests of "European citizens";
to strengthen "close cooperation in the field of justice and home affairs" as established;
to develop the necessary "acquis communautaire, (...) in order to assess (...) to what extent it is necessary to revise the policies and
forms of cooperation established (...) in order to ensure effectiveness
Community mechanisms and institutions ".
The latter objective requires the strengthening of the role and powers
of the European Parliament, as the only European institution to have
direct democratic legitimacy and the simultaneous weakening of European decision-making bodies without such legitimacy.
We also intend to encourage the increase of coordination paths
decision-making at the European level with the local dimension, guaranteeing a
greater involvement of the territories through representation
effective implementation of the Regions, and precisely define the exclusive competences of the Union to strengthen its effectiveness and decision-making capacity.
Furthermore, in accordance with the EU's principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, it is necessary to examine the competences of the EU by reporting to those States
which can not be efficiently managed at Union level and
strengthening at the same time the incisiveness and the decision-making capacity of the EU
on its scope of intervention.
Beyond the definition of the general framework the complex system of rules of the market that has been accumulating in the
time that does not respond to the interests of citizens. I
dumping within the Union, eliminating decisions detrimental to the interests of the small industry, enhancing our production excellence, prosecuting counterfeiting, trademark violations
and the circulation of counterfeits, prohibiting confusion between "Made by Italy"
and "Made in Italy" and imposing the declaration of origin of the products.
From the point of view of the EU budget and in view of the upcoming seven-year planning, it is necessary to re-discuss it with the aim of making it coherent with the present government contract.
With the spirit of returning to the setting of the origins in which the States
Europeans were moved by a genuine intent of peace, brotherhood, cooperation and solidarity it is considered necessary to revise, together with the partners
European Economic Governance System (Monetary Policy, Stability and Growth Pact, Fiscal Compact, MES, Procedure
for excessive macroeconomic balances, etc.) currently asymmetric, based on the dominance of the market compared to the wider economic and social dimension. We will finally commit ourselves to overcoming
effects detrimental to national interests stemming from the Bolkenstein directive.
As for Ceta, MESChina, TTIP and similarly inspired treatises, we will oppose the aspects that imply an excessive weakening of the protection of citizens' rights, as well as an injury to the
correct and sustainable competition on the internal market.
The Union must explicitly recognize that Italy represents one
external geographical boundary that must be adequately protected in order to guarantee and protect the principle of free movement of persons and persons
In particular, we intend to reform fund management mechanisms
EU pre-assigned to Italy.
Over the last few years, our country has distinguished itself on a level
for a continuous reduction of investments in the sector
of our university and research system. It is therefore urgent and necessary to ensure a reversal. It is a priority to increase
resources allocated to universities and research institutions and redefine their funding criteria.
The university system and the research world will have to be more involved in cultural, scientific and technological development
of our country, helping to indicate the objectives to be achieved
and interacting more with the whole country system. It will therefore be
fundamental to implement the third mission of the universities through their interaction with other research centers and with society.
Through constant synergy with the Investment Bank, we will be able to secure more funds to increase our own
level of innovation, making them effective and eliminating waste. In addition, we intend to encourage the instrument of public-private partnerships, which will in fact make a greater contribution of resources
in favor of research. The centers of knowledge, universities and research centers
first of all, besides guaranteeing the fundamental basic research, they will have to
also contribute to making the Italian production system more competitive and inclined towards the valorisation of high-level activities
technological value.
The system of Higher Artistic, Musical Training will have to be reformed
and Coreutica (AFAM), with a view to enhancing a sector historically and
culturally important for Italy.
It is necessary to have a teaching class up to expectations,
ethically unexceptionable. We need to reform the recruitment system to make it meritocratic, transparent and corresponding to the real scientific-educational needs of the universities, ensuring the regular
teacher turnover.
We need to encourage the introduction of new rules to guarantee the
as many students as possible access to the highest grades of the
do you study. These include the need to expand the tools and the
resources for the right to study, thus increasing the percentage of
graduates in our country, today among the lowest in Europe, and the revision of the system of access to courses with programmed number, through
the adoption of a model that ensures suitable procedures to verify the
actual attitudes of the students and the possibility of a correct evaluation. We will expand the number of students benefiting from the total exemption from the payment of university tuition fees, the so-called. "No-Tax
area". The implementation of high technological-professional training will be fundamental. The graduation system will need to be harmonized
professionals and ITS (Higher Technical Institutes) in order to increase the number of students in these tertiary training courses.
An important intervention must concern educational innovation and
in particular the digital one. The online training offer will be encouraged
and telematics of state universities through targeted funding,
and the training offer of private telematic universities as well as better regulated.
Among those who most suffered the current condition of
difficulties of the Italian system we find the staff of our universities and research institutions. Despite the difficulties and scarce resources available, our system has managed to achieve in his
complex excellent results. Therefore it is necessary to significantly increase the financial resources to enhance our teachers and
researchers, ensuring adequate working conditions and overcoming the
precariousness that in recent years has increasingly involved
also the university and research world.
We intend to intervene with tools that free those universities in
which is still strong the presence of "baronati" who exploit in a manner
resources and personnel are illegitimate. For a real re-launch of our universities
in fact, it is necessary to guarantee the presence of truly meritocratic systems and open to all those who wish to pursue their academic career, without the fear of seeing their expectations limited by those who use their power in an undue manner. It is necessary to insert
a system of binding verification on the actual progress by
of the teacher, teaching duties, research and tutoring to the students.
Innovation and competent human capital are essential, in the knowledge society, to make territories competitive, even those
"Marginal" and mountain areas of which the country is rich, territories whose specificities
geographical and socio-economic requirements require, without further delay, one
particular attention, also from the university and research world,
both for the definition of ad hoc development models and for the setting up
point of training interventions, dissemination of knowledge,
innovative and technological, preparatory to the creation of value from specific resources. They will therefore be promoted, valued and strengthened
experiences and activities of training and research in this sense.
The simplification of university legislation through the drafting of a single text can no longer be postponed.
It will be necessary to make corrections to the governance of the university system and within the same universities, redesigning the role of the ANVUR
(National Agency for Evaluation of the University System and Research) to make it an instrument for government (and not government), and
accurately identifying the subjects that could contribute in the
decision-making processes, starting with the CUN, the elective body representing the university world.
The Italian public research institutes (EPR) now perform essential activities for the development of research and innovation in our country.
The Italian model provides an extremely fragmented system,
poor coordination between institutions and a lack of involvement on the
issues of absolute strategic importance regarding policies for
the development of the country. To coordinate and structurally link the
Institutions and Research Centers will be created a National Research Agency.


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