sabato 30 gennaio 2016


Who is the political leader of the world's most liar 2015 ?. Surprises and confirmations of a year in which the lies have been the bread and butter
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european social bank (esb)

Shared publicly   -   00:51

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european social bank (esb)

Shared publicly   -   12:20
Merkel "the Jobs Act is moving in the right direction" angelina .. .., you know that the job is not the act ,,, give prestito..per buy German cars?. 

"We need more Europe." He said German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a press conference after the meeting at the chancellery in Berlin with
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european social bank (esb)

Shared publicly   -   00:19
The decline in the cost of energy is a problem I say no

FRANKFURT - The IMF cut back forecasts for world economic growth, emphasizing the risks generated by the slowdown in China,
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european social bank (esb)

Shared publicly   -   00:18
Just as secretary of the left

"You have to use taxation," says the former prime minister, adding, "without being afraid to use too taxing on the house."
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european social bank (esb)

Shared publicly   -   00:18
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european social bank (esb)

Shared publicly   -   00:17

After just missing verdini..ti toto reina. ,, And you ally with all ,,,,

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european social bank (esb)

Shared publicly   -   12:16
But even to buy a car. ,,,,

The banks do not insure the mortgage first home who is contracted to increasing protections. Required guarantor or insurance against dismissal
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european social bank (esb)

Shared publicly   -   12:16

What is the non-welfare? .. To create desperate willing to accept any treatment and employment contract to sell out and create unfair competition with those already working .. ,,,

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european social bank (esb)

Shared publicly   -   January 28, 2016
Okay ... and I do not want .. ,,, multinationals are propietarie of banks and vice versa, or at least have close relations ,,, .., and these heaps financial components of the central banks .. ,, which in turn are components government ,,,, then .., CONFLICTS OF INTEREST NOT CONTAMINATES INTERVENTION.!?
The European Commission aims to combat tax evasion of multinationals through a series of proposals. In particular, the plan presented by commissioner Pierre Moscovici wants to allow Member States to tax multinationals on their territory have generated profits then transferred to countries where the tax is lower. To recover money ...
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european social bank (esb)

Shared publicly   -   Jan. 24, 2016
Take a look at the Tweetmr_Giallombardo:

Giovani..non invested in the stock market ... Embedded image. 24:36 PM - 24 Jan 2016 1 Likes. Reply tomr_Giallombardo. Home · Sign up · Login · Search · About. Not on Twitter? Sign up, tune into the things you care about, and get updates as they happen.

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european social bank (esb)


Shared publicly   -   16:59
The three theories Economics
ratio between politics and economics - Primacy of politics
Main actors - States
Nature of economic relations - Conflicting (play
Purpose economic - power state
Role of economic actors (multinational) - Indeterminate
and dependent on the It was
ratio between politics and economics - Autonomy
's economy
Main actors - Individuals
nature of economic relations - Cooperative (play
positive sum)
Purpose economic - Maximizing welfare
role of economic actors (multinational) - Independent
and positive
Ratio politics and economics - Primacy of 'economy
Main actors - Class
Nature of economic relations - Conflicting
economic Purpose - Interest-class
role of economic actors (multinational) - Dominant and
the most important debates arising from the mercantilism
is the need of the 'existence of a strong state to
ensure the proper functioning of 'international economy
a liberal hegemonic economic power is necessary for
the establishment and full development on a global scale of
a 'liberal market economy

This is the theory of hegemonic stability
This theory, first proposed by Charles
Kindleberger and developed by Robert Gilpin, is not
exclusively mercantilist, since it contains
too liberal elements.
According to this theory, in the absence of a liberal power
dominant, an 'open global economy would be much
more difficult to build, in facing the constant risk of a
deterioration of economic relations in a competition of
nationalistic, selfish and protectionist, inspired by the
principle beggar your neighbor.
Among the resources necessary to ensure that a hegemonic country can
exert its role to be counted:
the ability to provide all military 'others need
according to Keohane control is required on 4 types of resources
economic world:
1. raw materials
2. capital
3. markets
4. competitive advantage in the production of goods in value
very high
With the relative decline in the '70s, the US, there' was
more clearly dominant power who
cared to support the 'liberal economy of scale
Many observers, however, deny that economic strength
is substantially diminished American, for two reasons:
1. the US is still very strong in terms of resources of
power fungible traditional: military power,
economy, technology, territory
2. Susan Strange argues that it is misleading to focus
l 'attention on' economy within the territorial boundaries of the
United States; what really matters is the share of 'world output
of primary products to manufactured goods and services whose
production company executives oversee USA
3. the US is particularly strong in the most advanced
4. America remains strong in the field of power resources
intangible → "popular culture" (cinema, television,

trends to the crisis that are found in 'economy
liberal world are due to the fact that the US has
taken a number of questionable managerial decisions wisdom
that largely explain the financial mess and
the monetary problem is the ability / willingness of the US to
take the responsibility to support the 'liberal economy
on a global scale.
Robert Cox agrees that the economic decline of the US
creates problems for the stability of the 'current order world,
but also highlights the ideological dimension of 'hegemony:
a stable hegemonic order is based on a shared set
of values ​​and knowledge resulting from the ways of doing and
thinking of the dominant social strata of the dominant state.
The most important debate triggered by Marxism that
of development and underdevelopment in the Third World. Before the
'50s almost nobody posed questions on the problems
of the development of the Third World, and when someone
was placed, it was in terms of colonial development.
The process of decolonization, which began in the '50s, marked
the 'Start Search on the development of a stairs really
It was the economic liberals to inaugurate in the West, the
development research, proposing various contributions united
under the name of modernization theory:
the 'basic idea was that the Third World countries have
followed the same path blazed by the developed countries
of the 'West = from a traditional agricultural society to a
modern industrial society is characterized by consumption of
The efforts of modernization theorists have turned
to 'identification of' wide range of factors that
hinder the modernization and those that instead
promote → they emphasize the 'importance of
an 'open economy, free from political interference, capable
of generating the 'huge volume of investment needed to
fuel the process of growth and economic development.
W. W. Rostow remarked that the take-off (= the boost phase
crucial in the transition from traditional to modern) is
characterized by a significant increase in investment in the
modern sector.
Another factor is the ratio of the Third World countries
with the world market: it is believed that close relations of
the market with the developed countries have a positive impact,
in terms of development, on the economies of the Third World.

During the years' 60- '70, the' liberal interpretation of the
mechanisms of the development was the subject of growing criticism, in
part motivated from 'lack of real progress in many
Third World countries.
The most radical critique of the economic liberals was the move
by members of the Marxist theory of underdevelopment, known
as dependency theory: underdevelopment is not
a condition that once characterized all countries,
but is rather a process that takes place within the framework of the
global capitalist system and that has been imposed on the countries
of the Third World, especially to 'Latin America, where
underdevelopment is thus a by-product of the international
development of the 'West.
The most radical dependency theorists do not hesitate to
affirm that the Third World countries should cut,
or at least drastically reduce, the links with the market
and the capitalist world, relying on their
strength, they could initiate a process of true development
budget, outside the reach of the exploitation of the
capitalist world market.
During the '70s radical theory of dependence was
seriously questioned since
many countries in South - East Asia (Four Tigers)
experienced rapid economic growth
accompanied by a substantial integration in market
worldwide Wallerstein recognizes that some countries may
actually progress, but at the same time other countries
will regress, so the hierarchy of the unequal terms
remain the hallmark of the 'capitalist economy -mondo.
About the development of the Third World, mercantilism
has not been able to produce clear statements and synthetic fibers
such as those of liberal economic theorists or
dependence. However, he outlined a kind of compromise
between the extremes of 'economic independence and full
integration in the 'global capitalist economy, suggesting
a middle ground.
A second crucial area where the mercantilists
recommend a compromise solution is that of the
relationship between state and market : in economic theory we do not
have irrefutable arguments to support the view that
the 'intervention of the state in the' economy is by definition
counterproductive. But it is equally true that excessive
state intervention can cause bureaucratic failures,
due to high cost and unsustainable inefficiencies.
Another example of middle mercantilist concerns the
role of multinationals: the mercantilists observe that the
multinationals can effectively promote the development
of the Third world, but this potential is translated into reality
only under certain conditions = their strength must be
balanced by the presence of a 'local industry and a
host government strong enough to supervise their
In recent years, the 'whole development debate it is made
​​more complex, especially with regard to the same
definition of development. Liberalism conceived of the
development in terms of acquisition of the characteristics of
modern capitalist countries develops when a country
grows and modernizes economically.
Later, however, some differences have emerged: developing not
only growth and satisfaction of material needs, but
also distribution, welfare, democracy, participation,
freedom and self-realization.
The core of the concept, however, remains unchanged:
modernization is growing.
The economic liberals have triggered many debates on
many different issues. In particular, scholars EPI have
occupied in great depth the phenomenon of
globalization = dissemination and forging closer
economic, social and cultural rights worldwide.

A growing level of economic interconnection between two
national economies is an aspect of globalization,
economic, that could be defined interdependence
In fact, the true economic globalization is characterized
by a qualitative shift in the direction of a 'economy
world no longer based on autonomous national economies,
but on a market of production, distribution and consumption
consolidated globally l 'global economy dominates the
numerous national economies contained in it
(deep integration, promoted mainly by
corporations, which increasingly organize the production
of goods and services on a global scale).
Globalization is driven by several factors, the most
important of which is technological progress, which in turn
stimulated by 'incessant competition between companies.
This process has profound consequences for the state: in
a 'unified global economy, economic actors small and
flexible can get more power as and when the
national economies become obsolete.
The mercantilists have developed a vision of
globalization that can rival that of the liberal
economy. However, there is a position that we could
define mercantilist: these theorists do not believe that there is
a phenomenon called "globalization". In what is
happening, they can see rather a process of
intensification of 'interdependence between the economies
The mercantilists also contest the 'assertion that large
companies have lost their national identity. In their
judgment, despite the significant increase in trade
and the global flow of foreign investment, the states and the
respective national companies are closely
Finally, they accuse the Liberals of not take account
of 'increased ability of nation states to respond
to the challenges of economic globalization: the same developments
that feed technological globalization have
contributed to increasing the strength of the state in the field
of regulation and supervision.
The neo-Marxist judgment on economic globalization
is different from that of liberal economic and from that
of the mercantilists. According to Robert Cox, parallel to the
classical capitalist world economy has developed a
new global economy that tends to replace the first. In
this context, nation-states have lost a quantity
relevant to their ability to exercise control
on 'economy; d 'other hand, however, in order to continue the
process of economic globalization requires the framework
of political reference provided by the military power of states
nation → macro-regions (led by the USA in America,
in Japan 'East Asia and the EU in Europe) are New
frames political -cheap of 'capitalist accumulation
economic power is increasingly concentrated in the major
industrialized countries, while the impoverished masses of the Third
World do not benefit from economic globalization. It is
however important to understand that the poorest countries
are in trouble not because of the economic surplus that
is subtracted from the rich, but because participants are
marginalized in the process of economic globalization = the
their markets are not attractive to investors
because foreigners 'purchasing power of their citizens is
low, political institutions are inefficient and corrupt ways and
is thus a lack of stability and political order.
Along with these changes, the process of globalization
has resulted in the economic rise of new movements
in many parts of the social world. The growth of these
movements shows that economic globalization is
much more than a set of anonymous transactions
across borders, but also political struggle having as
objectives the 'establishment of controls on capital movements and
a 'fair distribution between countries and social groups of benefits
produced by globalization.
It is not easy to decide who is wrong and who is right in the
debate on globalization, because each of the three
theoretical positions can bring some empirical evidence to
support his thesis. However, economic liberalism
seems to be the 'most successful approach in terms
of practice → economies of the so-called free market
have achieved great results, as opposed to those run
by the state.
International Relations
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It is important to have a broader vision 

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